Berømte citater om Elvis Presley


"Before Elvis there was nothing."  - John Lennon 

“There have been a lotta tough guys. There have been pretenders. And there have been contenders. But there is only one king.”
- Bruce Springsteen

“You have no idea how great he is, really you don’t. You have no comprehension - it’s absolutely impossible. I can’t tell you why he’s so great, but he is. He’s sensational.”
- Phil Spector 


Michael madsen

19.03.2014 12:01

After Elvis ,there will be nothing

Elvis tale


"When I was a child, ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer. I read comic books, and I was the hero of the comic book. I saw movies, and I was the hero in the movie. So every dream I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times...I learned very early in life that: ‘Without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain't got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend - without a song.' So I keep singing a song."

-I 1971 holdt Elvis denne tale, udnævelsen til: One of The Ten Most Outstanding Young Men of the Nation.

Citater om gospel og tro:


"Elvis brød sig ikke om at blive kaldt "The King", for som han sagde: - Der er kun én konge, og det er Jesus Kristus.

Jeg er ingen helgen, men jeg har altid bestræbt mig på ikke at gøre noget, der kunne skade min familie eller krænke Gud…jeg mener, at alle børn har brug for håb og for at føle, at de har et sted, de hører til. Hvis jeg kunne gøre eller sige noget, der ville hjælpe med til at give børn denne følelse, ville jeg føle, at jeg havde bidraget med noget i denne verden.

Musik er som religion – når man fornemmer den, bliver man bevæget af den.

Der er kun én konge, og det er Jesus Kristus.

Jeg tror på Bibelens ord. Jeg tror på, at alt godt kommer fra Gud. Jeg tror ikke, jeg havde sunget, som jeg gør, hvis ikke Gud havde villet, at jeg skulle.

Hvad jeg end driver det til, er det, hvad Gud har udvalgt mig til.

Verden er mere levende om natten…det er, som om Gud ikke kigger.

Gospel-musik er det største på jorden.

Må Gud – til vi ses igen – velsigne jer, som han har velsignet mig.




God was sitting, pondering the woes of the world one day and he decided what the world needed was an emissary of beauty, form, and musical magic to bring joy to the troubled planet called Earth.

So God said, 'let there be a manchild made in heaven, then put upon the earth ... he will grow tall and straight sand handsome;

I will give him a loyal and loving heart filled with empathy and compassion;

I will give him soulful eyes to warm many hearts;

I will give him a majestic form and graceful poetic hands with which to express himself;

then I will make his voice of crushed velvet, and when he speaks and sings, untold beauty and joy will be heard and felt around the world by all my children, by all the peoples of the world.

I will bring him forth into the world to bring people together and to give harmony to the lives of the multitudes;

I will give him a vivacity and and wit and personality that will warm and thrill all who witness this heavenly child;

I will give him riches and love beyond imagination, through all who experience this 'Golden and Chosen child.'

I will make him unique and irreplaceable, in a world of duplication,

I will present him to the world ... as a gift from God in Heaven ... and he will be called ...



(Brev fra en Elvis' venner/fans sendt til Graceland, August 16th 1977).

Kilde: Elvis Australia

Seneste kommentarer

19.09 | 17:28

19.09 | 09:33

Det er skrapbøger og postkort. Hvis du sender din mailadresse kan jeg sende dig foto af materialet. Mvh Marianne

17.09 | 07:54

Skriv endelig nærmere. Er der en e-mail?

09.09 | 16:20

Jeg har en masse Elvis ting som jeg godt vil give til nogen - har det nogen interesse ?

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