
Vi mindes og sørger stadigvæk

Tribute video, nu er det.. 41 år siden!

Rørende tribute video, klassiker!

Billetterne, som aldrig blev indløst...

Billetterne, som desværre aldrig blev indløst, men nu er de mere end 100 gange mere værd!! Der var også planlagt/booket koncerter senere i 1977. Og nogen hævder at Elvis ville turnere i hhv. England og Japan i 77!? Hvilket jeg har svært ved at tro på, i forhold til hvordan Elvis havde det. Men et forsikringspapir antyder noget andet...! 

Forsikrings dokument

Forsikrings dokument fra august 1976. Jeg tror nu mere det handler om en privat rejse, med hans daværende forlovede. 

Elvis is alive (!!!)

Et eksempel på den sensationshungrende press.Som ifølge Weekly World News: Lever Elvis! 

For 39 år siden, ny unik video.

Hvad blev der skrevet efter Elvis død...

Death Captures Crown of Rock and Roll - The Commercial Appeal - 'The ambulance hit the gate as it was going in [to Graceland] ... There was severe cardiovascular disease present ...

Dr. Fransisco said ... there was no indication of drug abuse of any kind. He said the only evidence of drugs involved those Presley was taking for his physical condition '...

A Lonely Life Ends on Elvis Presley Boulevard - Memphis Press Scimitar

Rock Idol Elvis Presley Dies at 42 - The Washington Post - Elvis Presley, who revolutionized American popular music with his earthy singing style and became a hero to two generations of rock 'n' roll fans, died yesterday in Memphis,Tenn. He was 42.

Reaction among fans, performers and music industry executives elsewhere was also emotional. In Santiago, Chile, newspapers stopped the presses and radio stations changed their evening programming to recount the life of 'El Rey de Rock 'n' Roll'. In Memphis, the telephone system was reported unable to handle the volume of calls coming into the city from around the country. Hundreds of weeping fans gathered outside Baptist Memorial and Graceland Mansion last night.

Two European radio stations also suspended regular programming as soon as Presley's death was announced. Radio Luxembourg, the continent's most widely listened-to pop station, canceled all its commercials to play Presley's music nonstop.

'This is the end of rock 'n' roll', said Bob Moore Merlis, an executive with Warner Bros. Records, who compiled an anthology of Presley's early material several years ago for RCA.

'The void he will leave is impossible to gauge', said Pat Boone.

One Hour Battle Fails .. King Elvis Dies - The Herald (Australia)

Fans Fight To Peer At Elvis - The Herald, Late edition (Australia)

Fat, 42 And Fazed - The Sun (Australia) - 'He couldn't sing anymore', 'His stage appearances were a joke because his stomach bulged over his gold lame, sequined suits' 'Presley's movie career ended in 1969 after about 60 films, all with roughly the same plot'
[From John Fraser in New York.]

Elvis Presley Is Dead - Daily Mirror (England)

Rocks First Superstar Elvis Presley, 42, Dies - Rocky Mountain News

King Elvis Dead - The Sun (England)

All Roads Lead to Memphis - Evening Standard (England)

Avisforside fra 17.08.77.

Avisforside fra 17.08.77.

Er Elvis på vej tilbage..er han i live!!!! :-)

:-) ;-)

Koncerterne der aldrig blev..

Plakat for en af de andre planlagte koncerter på denne tourne.

Plakat for en af de andre planlagte koncerter på denne tourne.

Elvis skulle havde været på en ny turne fra d. 17. august, hvor han skulle ligge ud i Portland. Men sådan skulle det ikke være... 

Den aflyste turne indeholdte følgende stop:

28 Aug 2.30pm Memphis, Tn

End of the road

Elvis sidste koncert (26.06.77) fik ganske fine anmeldelser (Se Koncert anm. ) med på vejen. Det var en særdeles flot afslutning på en ellers ganske dårlig/sørgelig turne. Se bl.a. Elvis in Concert (CBS). Der findes adskillige bootlegs og amatør optagelser fra denne sidste koncert/turne. Dette er en af de bedre som jeg fandt på You Tube - så tak til You Tube!

Det er jo mærkeligt at tænke på, at blot 7 uger senere dør Elvis af et aggrasivt hjerteanfald

Han har netop modtaget en pris for sit sidste album Moody Blue i lufthavnen af bl.a. Tom Slather.

Sidste koncert(?..!) 26 june 1977 (uddrag)

Elvis Presley's sidste scene optræden i Market Sqare Arena, Indianapolis, foran 18.000 tilskuer!



Permit me to clarify my role in the Presley matter. Long after Elvis Presley's death a county commissioner in Memphis was upset with Dr. Francisco. This particular commissioner was convinced that blacks were needlessly being killed by police. When Dr. Francisco documented that a bullet entered the front of the torso and exited the back, the critic was not satisfied. His theme was unnecessary police killings and Dr. Francisco was covering up by not opining the victim was shot in the back. As part of his ad hominum attack on Dr. Francisco he proclaimed that Dr. Francisco had falsified the death certificate of Elvis Presley. This created a stir in the county commission.

Here is Dr Davis' email which he said could be made public. A shorter version of the email appeared online earlier this year:

Falsification of a death certificate in Tennessee is a crime. The director of the Department of Health, in whose department are the death certificates, plus the Attorney General of the State were faced with the necessity of clarifying whether or not Dr. Francisco falsified the death certificate.

They requested me, as an independent outsider, to review the autopsy report including photographs and microscopic slides plus police and medical examiner reports. The autopsy findings were confidential by law. They would not be if the autopsy had been performed by Dr. Francisco. However, an autopsy performed with permission of next of kin is private and could not be released without the sanction of the next of kin.

So how did such a case become private? Following discovery of the deceased Elvis Presley a rescue squad was called. Rather than declare him dead at the scene, they went through a resuscitative exercise which resulted in the body being transported to the private hospital where he was pronounced dead. Hospital personnel asked the father, next of kin, for permission to autopsy and it was granted. Accordingly the pathologists for the hospital performed the autopsy.

Dr. Francisco heard of the case, dispatched his investigator to Graceland to find out circumstances. Dr. Francisco could have assumed total jurisdiction and could have brought the body to his office for his autopsy without the hospital pathologists. However, word was out, the streets were filled with citizens. Dr. Francisco elected under these unique circumstances to permit the autopsy to be performed at the hospital with he observing first hand. Knowing that he would have the benefit of what his investigator found at Graceland, the benefit of seeing for himself the autopsy findings, he would be able to issue the death certificate just as well as if he had personally conducted the examinations.

Even though this was a medical examiner case, and Dr. Francisco had signed the death certificate, the documentation and preparation of the autopsy record remained private under the law.

The question put to me by the Attorney General was this: "Did Dr. Francisco falsify the death certificate as had been alleged at the county commission level?"

In order to arrive at a correct opinion, I had to review all the evidence on the case, evidence that had been available to Dr. Francisco, in order to arrive at a reasonable medical opinion as to cause and manner of death. If I did not concur with Dr. Francisco's certification, then I would have to judge whether he had acted reasonably and with proper rationale for his opinion.

I met with the Attorney General and Health Department personnel at the hospital. The autopsy report and microscopic slides and photographs had always been safeguarded in the hospital safe. The reason is clear. High profile cases engender surreptitious thefts of documents or copying of documents. Hence the hospital safe as the repository.

I wrote a long detailed report to the Attorney General outlining the logical approach to arriving at an opinion of cause and manner of death that would appear on a death certificate. Both the Attorney General and I wished my report could be publicized to help clear the misunderstandings that were commonplace. However, he was stymied by the law. If he released my full report then he would be in violation of the law as it appeared in the Tennessee Statutes.

The only thing that I had publicly been charged with was to review the evidence and offer an opinion pertaining to whether or not Dr. Francisco had falsified the death certificate. My opinion was that Dr. Francisco did not falsify the death certificate of Elvis Presley. Both the Attorney General and I would like to have my full report made public but we are bound to adhere to the law.

Side issues:

  • I was always a fan of classical music and never listened or paid much attention to Elvis Presley.
  • I had not informed my supervisor, the County Manager of Miami-Dade County, that I had been assisting the Tennessee authorities(pro bono, of course) because I did not consider it a "big deal" due to my ignorance of the public reactions to the artist. When the press ran articles, the Manager pointed out that I should have alerted him...but I had not. He was not upset with me but only pointed out he likes to know what's going on in his government.
  • I developed a sense of sorrow for Elvis Presley. He was a captive of his talents and was the financial generator for a host of those surrounding him.
  • His concert schedules were killers...exhausting to anyone.

Well, that's about all I can relate to you. You are free to draw your own conclusions as the cause of death based upon what is on the public record, the death certificate, and by what purports to be copies of various documents that were not supposed to be leaked but many people were involved in laboratory testing and report generation....good for leaks.

If the Tennessee law restricting the autopsy has a sunset provision, I know not. If so and it's getting time for the secrecy to vanish, let me know.

A final thought for the day: My prior email, written with no knowledge of your interest in Elvis Presley's death, covers the cognitive thought processes that take place when arriving at any cause of death and manner of death opinion.

Another thought for the day: Amongst rumors that peculiar minds fancy are those that deny that a prominent person did die when such occurred.

Is Elvis Presley still alive? Hmmm? Well, sort of: Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. is alive and well and generating great income to the owners. You pay when you visit Graceland. You pay for records and posters. The cash register is overflowing with monies. Joseph H. Davis, M.D. (Source: email)/EIN.

Billederne og musiken taler for sig selv.

Ginger Alden, 1980.

Elvis' sidste kæreste fortæller om sin sidste tid med Elvis. Nu, efter 37 år får vi omsider Gingers fortælling i bogform. Læs mere når den engang udkommer i august.

Her er han så efter 35 år..

Her er han så efter 35 år..

Elvis vender tilbage efter 35 år!

Prøv at forstille dig, hvilken ufattelig sensation det ville være, hvis det viste sig at Elvis ikke var død!! Og ikke mindst dem der har spillet på det - for det kan man...!

I remember Elvis Presley.

Denne sang blev skrevet til Elvis i forbindelse med hans alt for tidlige død i 77. Rørende, sentimental, men for mange Elvis fans har den en ganske bestemt betydning. Den hittede vist også.

Der er mange gode, naturlige (sunde) grunde til at tro, at Elvis Presley er død. Når de eneste argumenter til at tro, ellers kommer fra forrykte fans og supermarked formiddagsblade, er det let at afvise den mulighed, at kongen er stadig blandt os. Omstændighederne omkring Elvis påståede død er ganske mystisk og tigge nærmere opmærksomhed. Da det viser sig, er der mange konkrete grunde til at tro, at kongen er stadig i live. 

Elvis navn stavet forkert på hans gravsten. Elvis fulde navn er Elvis Aron Presley, men på hans grav hans mellemnavn er stavet forkert med to A'er. Hans far ville ikke have lade dette ske. Da Elvis blev født, blev hans navn stavet forkert på hans fødselsattest, og hans far gik meget langt for at få fejlen rettet. Den unikke stavemåde af Elvis navn var vigtigt for Presley familien. Elvis nuværende "hvilested" er i mellem sin far og sin bedstemor og ikke ved siden af sin mor, hvor han havde adamantly anmodet om. Det er tvivlsomt, at de mennesker tæt på ham gør, at disse ting til at ske. Elvis var noget overtroisk. Så han ikke ville friste skæbnen ved at anbringe sit rigtige navn på gravsten. 

Death Certificate Elvis var meget forfængelig, og han blev flov over sin nylige vægtøgning - en forbløffende 25 kg. i måneden før hans såkaldte død. Selv om han vejede omkring 125 kg. på tidspunktet for hans "død", hans dødsattest viser ham på et Spry 170 pounds. Det originale dødsattest forsvandt, og den nuværende dødsattest er dateret to måneder efter hans påståede død. The Wax Krop Theory. Dette argument er meget overbevisende, når de faktiske omstændigheder i betragtning. Elvis kiste krævede flere pall bærere, fordi det vejede  450 kg!! Sørgende ved bisættelsen rapporterede, at luften omkring kisten var temmelig kølig. Der er således mistanke om, at kisten indeholdt et klimaanlæg til at holde en voks kroppen kølig - en voks krop, der var en kopi af kongen designet til at narre begravelsen-fest. Og hvor har den Presley familien få en 450 kg., specialfremstillede kiste klar til en begravelse, der blev afholdt dagen efter hans død? Det tager en masse tid til at bygge sådan en omfattende kiste. Og hvorfor har begravelsen så hurtigt? Nogle spekulere, at umiddelbarheden skulle gøre det så svært som muligt for de mennesker, der var Elvis største fans (stats fanklubber osv.) til at deltage i sagens behandling. Det kunne være en bekymring for, at de kunne genkende fejl i voks replika. Elvis var en 8. grad sort bælte hvis hænder var ru med hård hud, men kroppen i kisten havde hænder, der var blød og buttede. Kroppen i kisten havde et braktud og buede øjenbryn (i modsætning til Elvis) og vigtigst af alt, en af bakkenbarter på "liget" var løs og falde ned. En frisør senere rapporterede lime sideburn tilbage på kroppen. usædvanlige opførsel. 

To timer efter Elvis 'død blev offentliggjort, en mand, der efter sigende så bemærkelsesværdigt som Elvis købte en billet til Buenos Aeries, udbetales kontant, og brugte navnet John Burrows: samme navn Elvis havde brugt som et alias flere gange før. Elvis havde et par bøger, som blev anset for at være hans mest værdsatte besiddelser. Han havde en bibel, flere farmaceutiske bøger, bøger om døden, og vigtigst Chiro bog af Numbers og The Selvbiografi af Yogi, som jeg vil forklare mere om senere. Efter Elvis død blev annonceret, disse bøger forsvandt og blev aldrig fundet. I ugerne forud for hans påståede død, var Elvis handlinger ikke dem af en mand, der var ved at gå i gang med en omfattende turné i USA. Han beordrede ingen nye dragter trods have vundet 50 pounds siden hans sidste turné, og han bød "adios" på hans sidste show i Hawaii. Han havde aldrig gjort det før. Adios, ligesom den franske adieu, har betydningen af at være en endelig farvel i modsætning til en "jeg vil se dig på min næste tur" slags farvel. Andre blev fascineret af kongens beslutning om at underskrive en lukrativ TV aftale med NBC, der ville dække turen. Det var uden fortilfælde for et netværk til at betale et så stort beløb op foran i kontanter, for sådan en aftale. Mange spekulerer på, hvorfor Elvis endda enige om at handlen, da hans forfængelighed afskrækket ham fra at gøre offentlige optrædener på grund af sin fedme. RCA viste uhyggelig (og utroligt) fremsynethed ved masseproduktion millioner af Elvis nuværende og tidligere optagelser og merchandise. Det er almindelig praksis for en handling, der er ved at gå på tour, men tallene i dette tilfælde var over rimelige forventninger. Annonceringen af Elvis død forårsaget pladesalg til at eksplodere. 

Elvis gjorde andre usædvanlige ting, der skabte mistanke. Først affyrede han flere medarbejdere, at han havde påberåbes i lang tid. Også to dage før hans påståede død, ringede Elvis en ven af hans navn Miss Foster. Han fortalte hende, at han ikke havde planer om at gå på den kommende turné. Hun spurgte ham, om han havde aflyst det, og han sagde, at han ikke havde. Da hun spurgte, om han var syg, sagde han, at han var fint, og at hun ikke skal stille flere spørgsmål eller fortælle nogen noget, og at hun ikke skal tro noget, hun læste. Han fortalte hende, at hans problemer alle ville snart være overstået, og at han ville ringe til hende i et par uger. Forfatteren af Elvis Where Are You? skriver, at Miss Foster tog en polygraph test angående denne historie, og at hun løj ikke. Dagen efter Elvis påståede død, en kvinde ved navn Lucy De Barbon, en tidligere elsker af Elvis, modtog en enkelt rose med posten. Kortet viste, at blomsten var fra "El Lancelot." Det havde været hendes kælenavn for Elvis, og det var et navn, som ingen andre vidste. Blomster kan ikke sendes fra hinsides graven. Det var Elvis måde at lade hende vide, at han ikke var død, selv om han ikke ønsker at blive fundet. 

Chiro bog af Numbers. 

Elvis havde en fascination med numerologi - en interesse han fodret ved at læse Chiro bog af Numbers. Teorien om, at kongen orkestreret hans død er yderligere understøttet, når man overvejer betydningen af datoen for hans påståede død. Den pågældende dato er August 16,1977. Ved at tilføje tallene i datoen, 8, 16, og 1977, får du 2001. Dette er titlen på Elvis 'yndlings film, hvor helten planlægger sin udødelighed i badeværelset. Elvis brugte en betydelig mængde tid at gøre det samme: planlægning hans efterliv på john. Elvis brugt så meget tid i badeværelset, at han havde sin toilet omdannet til en tilbagelænet comfy stol. Tilfældigvis, badeværelset er også her Elvis krop blev angiveligt fundet. Da Elvis religiøse tilhørsforhold (kristendom), havde han en fascination med ting, der kommer i treere, dvs Faderen, Sønnen og Helligånden. Summen af cifre fra hans foretrukne film (2 +0 +0 +1) er tre. Lad os overveje triaden af gentagelsen af tallet 24. 2001 (favorit film) mindre 1977 (dødsår) er 24. De to numre fra dødsdagen (8/16), når det tilsættes op lige 24. Summen af cifrene i dødsår (1 9 7 +7) også lig med 24. Det er 3 forekomster af nummer 24, som er deleligt med 3, og når divideret med tre resultatet, 8 har en perfekt kubik rod (2x2x2 = 8). Elvis elskede numerologi, og når man tænker på det numeriske betydning af datoen for hans påståede død, er det klart, at hvis ja, han havde planer om at eftergøre hans død, kunne han ikke have valgt et bedre tidspunkt. 


Elvis havde mange grunde til at eftergøre hans død. Elvis 'liv var i fare. Han havde for nylig mistet 10 millioner dollars i en flyvemaskine / ejendomshandel med en californisk baseret organisation kaldet "Broderskab", der havde forbindelser til mafiaen. Det er spekuleret at han underbygges med regeringen om at udsætte den organiserede kriminalitet ring i bytte for beskyttelse -. Måske i form af et nyt liv og identitet komplimenter af vidnet flytning program Desuden var Elvis en fange af sin egen berømmelse. 

Han havde mange andre grunde til at forlade sit liv bag. På grund af hans utrolige popularitet, var han modtaget flere dødstrusler, og han var bekymret over sikkerheden for hans kone og datter. Nogle gange, når han ønskede at forlade Graceland, ville han sende look-alikes at distrahere ville være tilhængere. Elvis var også kendt for at køre i bagagerummet på en andens bil for at undgå afsløring. Engang, da han blev syg i Las Vegas, kunne han ikke få ordentlig lægehjælp, fordi hospitalet blev overvældet af fans. På tidspunktet for hans påståede død, blev Elvis nærmer sig slutningen af sin karriere. Han var 42, hans hår var gråt, han var overvægtig. 

Elvis havde vist en fascination af døden ved flere lejligheder. I dagene op til hans påståede død, han blev rapporteret at have besøgt begravelse hjem på ulige timer om natten med nære venner. Lavede han forskning? Elvis engang fingerede sin død ved at oprette en omfattende optagelser i hvilken en ville være killer fyrede emner på Elvis, der havde en blod pack, som han afladet. Det var Elvis har til hensigt at se, hvordan folk stod ham nærmest ville reagere på hans død. Måske hvad han lærte overtalte ham til at gøre det for real. Endelig er et af Elvis 'yndlingsbøger er det åndelige selvbiografi Yogi. Et af de centrale temaer i denne bog er den opgivelse af ens rigdom og jordiske ejendele for at opnå åndelig enhed. Elvis kunne gøre dette, samt løse sine andre bekymringer fornuft og sikkerhed ved faking hans død og lever i eksil. 


Elvis havde midler til at forfalske sin egen død. Han er anklaget for at ødelægge sig selv med stoffer. I virkeligheden var Elvis nærmest en farmaceutisk ekspert. Han tog en masse medicin, men han vidste, hvad han gjorde og var meget forsigtig. Han vidste, hvad medicin han kunne selv administrere at skabe en dødlignende tilstand. Endvidere Elvis erfaring med kampsport var sådan, at han kunne bremse hans puls og vejrtrækning med henblik på at foregive død. Elvis 'manager, Colonel Tom Parker, havde engang skabt en ny identitet for sig selv. Han kom til dette amt som en illegal indvandrer fra Holland, men gennem forskellige forbindelser formået at skabe en omfattende identitet komplet med et pas, fødselsattest, kørekort, og CPR-nummer. Han ville have vidst, hvordan man kan give Elvis et andet liv. 

Ud over Elvis 'bånd til regeringen gennem sit vidneudsagn mod Broderskab, var Elvis kendt for at interagere med præsidenten for De Forenede Stater. Han blev rapporteret i offentlige dokumenter til at anvende navnet John Burrows som et alias, når han ønskede at rejse. 


Historien om Orion understøtter teorien om, at Elvis forsøgte en inkognito comeback. Kort efter Elvis 'død, opstod en maskeret sanger ved navn Orion på scenen. Han var stor ligesom Elvis, og han sang ligesom Elvis. På grund af masken, kunne ingen fortælle sin sande identitet. Én fan beskrevet at se Orion fra nær scenen. Hun hævder, at Orion forlod scenen mellem sangene, og da han viste øjeblikke senere sveden var borte fra hans armhuler og ryg, og hun troede, at hans kostume så lidt anderledes. Når sangen han forlod scenen, og den oprindelige Orion tilbage. En anden fan beskrev, hvordan hun styrtede ind i en tour bus på en Orion show kun at se to Orions bag i bussen. Hun hævdede, at en smuttede ud på badeværelset, før hun kunne få et godt kig på ham, men han syntes at ligne Elvis Presley. Hvad der er endnu mere bemærkelsesværdigt er den fiktive historie kaldet Orion, der blev skrevet af Gail Brewer-Georgio om en legendarisk performer, der havde flere identiteter og ønskede at fake sin død. Historien blev skrevet og indsendes til William Morris Agency til offentliggørelse betragtning efter Elvis 'død og før den egentlige Orion nogensinde udført. Da det viser sig, der er mange måder, hvorpå den virkelige Orion efterlignede de begivenheder, der er beskrevet i bogen. For eksempel havde de udøvende kunstneres ledere samme navn. Også uden at vide det, skrev Brewer-Georgio af begivenheder i Orion, der rent faktisk havde fundet sted i Elvis Presleys liv. Det var et tilfælde af livet efterligner kunsten. at samle stumperne op. I 1981 gjorde 20/20 en undersøgelse af omstændighederne omkring den påståede død Elvis Presley. Undersøgelsesrapport var meget overbevisende.

Mærkeligt nok, senest to uger efter rapporten, forsvandt sangeren, Orion, og blev aldrig hørt fra igen. Bogen, Orion forsvandt fra hylderne over hele landet. Det var blevet tilbagekaldt af udgiveren, der var forbundet med William Morris Agency. I øvrigt er William Morris Agency er den samme bureau, der repræsenterede Elvis Presley. 

Det ser ud til, at Elvis Presley er mere værd død end levende. Ved at forfalske hans død og flytning med en ny identitet, er han sikker fra hans fans og broderskab, kan regeringen lave en solid sag mod den organiserede kriminalitet ring, og RCA, Elvis familie, og Elvis ledelse kan alle høste enorme økonomiske fordele fra opmærksomhed. Det er ... bortset fra en fordel. Ingen har indsamlet på hans liv forsikringspolice. 



Der findes meget (trivial/psudo- videnskabligt) litteratur, der omhandler Elvis' død. De skal/kan nok primært læses pågrund af underholdningsværdien..! Her er en række titler, som måske kunne værer interessandte:

Jeg kan ikke anbefalde, at du åbent gå rundt og fortælle/lufter at du ikke tror at Elvis er død, risikoen for at du bliver til grin er ganske stor😙. På den anden side kan du jo have en drøm om at det er sandt, håbe det og måske dyrke interessen privat med andre som går rundt med samme tanker😎. På EIN er der en række spændende artikler og links, der omhandler emnet. Guf for konspirations.

En række spillefilm tager også emnet op på forskellig vis. Her bør nævnes:

Konklusionen må værer, at det er et sjovt, men samtidigt lidt pirrende og et gansle spændende Elvis emne, som - desværre - er blevet en del af eftermælet efter Elvis Presley's alt for tidlige død..?!😉. Næsten ligesom at læse en spændingsroman. 

Min sidste vilje

Kort tid inden Elvis' alt for tidlige død, skriver han sit testamente... men man kan jo undre sig over at en mand kun på 42 1/2 år allerede skriver sit testamente..! Men i forhold til hans helbred var det måske forståeligt, desuden vidste det sig, at være en god ide. Det gavnede Elvis' datter Lisa Maria.

 Last Will

On March the 3rd Elvis A. Presley signs his will. Charles F. Hodge, Ginger Alden and Ann Dewey Smith are witness. With signing this will Elvis A. Presley states that all his belongings will be a legacy to his daughter Lisa Marie Presley, his father Vernon Presley and his grandmother Minnie Mae.

Last Will And Testament Of Elvis A. Presley, Deceased
Filed August 22, 1977

Last Will And Testament of Elvis Presley

I, Elvis A. Presley, a resident and citizen of Shelby County, Tennessee, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby make, publish and declare this instrument to be my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all wills and codicils by me at any time heretofore made.

Item I

Debts, Expenses and Taxes

I direct my Executor, hereinafter named, to pay all of my matured debts and my funeral expenses, as well as the costs and expenses of the administration of my estate, as soon after my death as practicable. I further direct that all estate, inheritance, transfer and succession taxes which are payable by reason under this will, be paid out of my residuary estate; and I hereby waive on behalf of my estate any right to recover from any person any part of such taxes so paid. My Executor, in his sole discretion, may pay from my domiciliary estate all or any portion of the costs of ancillary administration and similar proceedings in other jurisdictions.

Item II

Instruction Concerning Personal Property: Enjoyment in Specie

I anticipate that included as a part of my property and estate at the time of my death will be tangible personal property of various kinds, characters and values, including trophies and other items accumulated by me during my professional career. I hereby specifically instruct all concerned that my Executor, herein appointed, shall have complete freedom and discretion as to disposal of any and all such property so long as he shall act in good faith and in the best interest of my estate and my beneficiaries, and his discretion so exercised shall not be subject to question by anyone whomsoever.

I hereby expressly authorize my Executor and my Trustee, respectively and successively, to permit any beneficiary of any and all trusts created hereunder to enjoy in specie the use or benefit of any household goods, chattels, or other tangible personal property (exclusive of choses in action, cash, stocks, bonds or other securities) which either my Executor or my Trustees may receive in kind, and my Executor and my Trustees shall not be liable for any consumption, damage, injury to or loss of any tangible property so used, nor shall the beneficiaries of any trusts hereunder or their executors of administrators be liable for any consumption, damage, injury to or loss of any tangible personal property so used.

Item III

Real Estate

If I am the owner of any real estate at the time of my death, I instruct and empower my Executor and my Trustee (as the case may be) to hold such real estate for investment, or to sell same, or any portion therof, as my Executor or my Trustee (as the case may be) shall in his sole judgment determine to be for the best interest of my estate and the beneficiaries thereof.

Item IV

Residuary Trust

After payment of all debts, expenses and taxes as directed under Item I hereof, I give, devise, and bequeath all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, including all lapsed legacies and devices, and any property over which I have a power of appointment, to my Trustee, hereinafter named, in trust for the following purposes:

(a) The Trustees is directed to take, hold, manage, invest and reinvent the corpus of the trust and to collect the income therefrom in accordance with the rights, powers, duties, authority and discretion hereinafter set forth. The Trustee is directed to pay all the expenses, taxes and costs incurred in the management of the trust estate out of the income thereof.

(b) After payment of all expenses, taxes and costs incurred in the management of the expenses, taxes and costs incurred in the management of the trust estate, the Trustee is authorizes to accumulate the net income or to pay or apply so much of the net income and such portion of the principal at any time and from time to time to time for health, education, support, comfortable maintenance and welfare of: (1) My daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, and any other lawful issue I might have, (2) my grandmother, Minnie Mae Presley, (3) my father, Vernon E. Presley, and (4) such other relatives of mine living at the time of my death who in the absolute discretion of my Trustees are in need of emergency assistance for any of the above mentioned purposes and the Trustee is able to make such distribution without affecting the ability of the trust to meet the present needs of the first three numbered categories of beneficiaries herein mentioned or to meet the reasonably expected future needs of the first three classes of beneficiaries herein mentioned. Any decision of the Trustee as to whether or not distribution, to any of the persons described hereunder shall be final and conclusive and not subject to question by any legatee or beneficiary hereunder.

(c) Upon the death of my Father, Vernon E. Presley, the Trustee is instructed to make no further distributions to the fourth category of beneficiaries and such beneficiaries shall cease to have any interest whatsoever in this trust.

(d) Upon the death of both my said father and my said grandmother, the Trustee is directed to divide the Residuary Trust into separate and equal trusts, creating one such equal trust for each of my lawful children then surviving and one such equal trust for the living issue collectively, if any, of any deceased child of mine. The share, if any, for the issue of any such deceased child, shall immediately vest in such issue in equal shares but shall be subject to the provisions of Item V herein. Separate books and records shall be kept for each trust, but it shall not be necessary that a physical division of the assets be made as to each trust.

The Trustee may from time to time distribute the whole or any part of the net income or principal from each of the aforesaid trusts as the Trustee, in its uncontrolled discretion, considers necessary or desirable to provide for the comfortable support, education, maintenance, benefit and general welfare of each of my children. Such distributions may be made directly to such beneficiary or to the guardian of the person of such beneficiary and without repsonsibilty on my Trustee to see to the application of nay such distributions and in making such distributions, the Trustee shall take into account all other sources of funds known by the Trustee to be available for each respective beneficiary for such purpose.

(e) As each of my respective children attains the age of twenty-five (25) years and provided that both my father and my grandmother are deceased, the trust created hereunder for such child care terminate, and all the remainder of the assets then contained in said trust shall be distributed to such child so attaining the age of twenty-five (25) years outright and free of further trust.

(f) If any of my children for whose benefit a trust has been created hereunder should die before attaining the age of twenty- five (25) years, then the trust created for such a child shall terminate on his death, and all remaining assets then contained in said trust shall be distributed outright and free of further trust and in equal shares to the surviving issue of such deceased child but subject to the provisions of Item V herein; but if there be no such surviving issue , then to the brothers and sisters of such deceased child in equal shares, the issue of any other deceased child being entitled collectively to their deceased parent's share. Nevertheless, if any distribution otherwise becomes payable outright and free of trust under the provisions of this paragraph (f) of the Item IV of my will to a beneficiary for whom the Trustee is then administering a trust for the benefit of such beneficiary under provisions of this last will and testament, such distribution shall not be paid outright to such beneficiary but shall be added to and become a part of the trust so being administered for such beneficiary by the Trustee.

Item V

Distribution to Minor Children

If any share of corpus of any trust established under this will become distributable outright and free of trust to any beneficiary before said beneficiary has attained the age of eighteen (18) years, then said share shall immediately vest in said beneficiary, but the Trustee shall retain possession of such share during the period in which such beneficiary is under the age of eighteen (18) years, and, in the meantime, shall use and expend so much of the income and principal for the care, support, and education of such beneficiary, and any income not so expended with respect to each share so retained all the power and discretion had with respect to such trust generally.

Item VI

Alternate Distributees

In the event that all of my descendants should be deceased at any time prior to the time for the termination of the trusts provided for herein, then in such event all of my estate and all the assets of every trust to be created hereunder (as the case may be) shall then distributed outright in equal shares to my heirs at law per stripes.

Item VII Unenforceable Provisions

If any provisions of this will are unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall, nevertheless, be carried into effect.


Life Insurance

If my estate is the beneficiary of any life insurance on my life at the time of my death, I direct that the proceeds therefrom will be used by my Executor in payment of the debts , expenses and taxes listed in Item I of this will, to the extent deemed advisable by the Executor. All such proceeds not so used are to be used by my Executor for the purpose of satisfying the devises and bequests contained in Item IV herein.

Item IX

Spendthrift Provision

I direct that the interest of any beneficiary in principal or income of any trust created hereunder shall not be subject to claims of creditors or others, nor to legal process, and may not be voluntarily or involuntarily alienated or encumbered except as herein provided. Any bequests contained herein for any female shall be for her sole and separate use, free from the debts, contracts and control of any husband she may ever have.

Item X

Proceeds From Personal Services

All sums paid after my death (either to my estate or to any of the trusts created hereunder) and resulting from personal services rendered by me during my lifetime, including, but not limited to, royalties of all nature, concerts, motion picture contracts, and personal appearances shall be considered to be income, notwithstanding the provisions of estate and trust law to the contrary.

Item XI

Executor and Trustee

I appoint as executor of this, my last will and testament, and as Trustee of every trust required to be created hereunder, my said father.

I hereby direct that my said father shall be entitled by his last will ant testament, duly probated, to appoint a successor Executor of my estate, as well as a successor Trustee or successor Trustees of all the trusts to be created under my last will and testament.

If, for any reason, my said father be unable to serve or to continue to serve as Executor and/or as Trustee, or if he be deceased and shall not have appointed a successor Executor or Trustee, by virtue of his last will and testament as stated -above, then I appoint National Bank of Commerce, Memphis, Tennessee, or its successor or the institution with which it may merge, as successor Executor and/or as successor Trustee of all trusts required to be established hereunder.

None of the appointees named hereunder,including any appointment made by virtue of the last will and testament of my said father, shall be required to furnish any bond or security for performance of the respective fiduciary duties required hereunder, notwithstanding any rule of law to the contrary.

Item XII

Powers, Duties, Privileges and Immunities of the Trustee

Except as otherwise stated expressly to the contrary herein, I give and grant to the said Trustee (and to the duly appointed successor Trustee when acting as such) the power to do everything he deems advisable with respect to the administration of each trust required to be established under this, my last will and Testament, even though such powers would not be authorized or appropriate for the Trustee under statutory or other rules of law. By way of illustration and not in limitation of the generality of the foregoing grant of power and authority of the Trustee, I give and grant to him plenary power as follows:

(a) To exercise all those powers authorized to fiduciaries under the provisions of the Tennessee Code Annotated, Sections 35-616 to 35-618, inclusive, including any amendments thereto in effect at the time of my death, and the same are expressly referred to and incorporated herein by reference.

(b) Plenary power is granted to the Trustee, not only to relieve him from seeking judicial instruction, but to the extent that the Trustee deems it to be prudent, to encourage determinations freely to be made in favor of persons who are the current income beneficiaries. In such instances the rights of all subsequent beneficiaries are subordinate, and the Trustee shall not be answerable to any subsequent beneficiary for anything done or omitted in favor of a current income beneficiary may compel any such favorable or preferential treatment. Without in anywise minimizing or impairing the scope of this declaration of intent, it includes investment policy, exercise of discretionary power to pay or apply principal and income, and determination principal and income questions;

(c) It shall be lawful for the Trustee to apply any sum that is payable to or for the benefit of a minor (or any other person who in the Judgment of the Trustee, is incapable of making proper disposition thereof) by payments in discharge of the costs and expenses of educating, maintaining and supporting said beneficiary, or to make payment to anyone with whom said beneficiary resides or who has the care or custody of the beneficiary, temporarily or permanently, all without intervention of any guardian or like fiduciary. The receipt of anyone to whom payment is so authorized to be made shall be a complete discharge of the Trustees without obligation on his part to see to the further application hereto, and without regard to other resource that the beneficiary may have, or the duty of any other person to support the beneficiary;

(d) In Dealing with the Trustee, no grantee, pledge, vendee, mortgage, lessee or other transference of the trust properties, or any part therof, shall be bound to inquire with respect to the purpose or necessity of any such disposition or to see to the application of any consideration therefore paid to the Trustee.

Item XIII Concerning the Trustee and the Executor

(a) If at any time the Trustee shall have reasonable doubt as to his power, authority or duty in the administration of any trust herein created, it shall be lawful for the Trustee to obtain the advice and counsel of reputable legal counsel without resorting to the courts for instructions; and the Trustee shall be fully absolved from all liability and damage or detriment to the various trust estates of any beneficiary thereunder by reason of anything done, suffered or omitted pursuant to advice of said counsel given and obtained in good faith, provided that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit or prevent the Trustee in all proper cases from applying to a court of competent jurisdiction for instructions in the administration of the trust assets in lieu of obtaining advice of counsel.

(b) In managing, investing, and controlling the various trust estates, the Trustee shall exercise the judgment and care under the circumstances then prevailing, which men of prudence discretion and judgment exercise in the management of their own affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable income as well as the probable safety of their capital, and, in addition, the purchasing power of income distribution to beneficiaries.

(c) My Trustee (as well as my Executor) shall be entitled to reasonable and adequate and adequate compensation for the fiduciary services rendered by him.

(d) My Executor and his successor Executor and his successor Executor shall have the same rights, privileges, powers and immunities herein granted to my Trustee wherever appropriate.

(e) In referring to any fiduciary hereunder, for purposes of construction, masculine pronouns may include a corporate fiduciary and neutral pronouns may include an individual fiduciary.

Item XIV

Law Against Perpetuities

(a) Having in mind the rule against perpetuities, I direct that (notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in this last will and testament) each trust created under this will (except such trust created under this will (except such trusts as have heretofore vested in compliance with such rule or law) shall end, unless sooner terminated under other provisions of this will, twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last survivor of such of the beneficiaries hereunder as are living at the time of my death; and thereupon that the property held in trust shall be distributed free of all trust to the persons then entitled to receive the income and/or principal therefrom, in the proportion in proportion in which they are then entitled to receive such income.

(b) Notwithstanding anything else contained in this will to the contrary, I direct that if any distribution under this will become payable to a person for whom the Trustee is then administering a trust created hereunder for the benefit of such person, such distribution shall be made to such trust and not to the beneficiary outright, and the funds so passing to such trust shall become a part thereof as corpus and be administered and distributed to the same extent and purpose as if such funds had been a part of such a trust at its inception.

Item XV

Payment of Estate and Inheritance Taxes

Notwithstanding the provisions of Item X herein, I authorize my Executor to use such sums received by my estate after my death and resulting from my personal services as identified in Item X as he deem necessary and advisable in order to pay the taxes referred to in Item I of my said will.

In WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the said ELVIS A. PRESLEY, do hereunto set my hand and seal in the presence of two (2) competent witnesses, and in their presence do publish and declare this instrument to be my Last Will and Testament, this 3 day of March, 1977.

[Signed by Elvis A. Presley]

The foregoing instrument, consisting of this and eleven (11) preceding typewritten pages, was signed, sealed, published and declared by ELVIS A.PRESLEY, the Testator, to be his Last Will and Testament, in our presence, and we, at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses, this 3 day of March, 1977, at Memphis, Tennessee.

[Signed by Ginger Alden]
Ginger Alden residing at 4152 Royal Crest Place

[Signed by Charles F. Hodge]
Charles F. Hodge residing at 3764 Elvis Presley Blvd.

[Signed by Ann Dewey Smith]
Ann Dewey Smith residing at 2237 Court Avenue.

State of Tennessee

County of Shelby

Ginger Alden, Charles F. Hodge, and Ann Dewey Smith, after being first duly sworn, make oath or affirm that the foregoing Last Will and Testament, in the sight and presence of us, the undersigned, who at his request and in his sight and presence, and in the sight and presence of each other, have subscribed our names as attesting witnesses on the 3 day of March, 1977, and we further make oath or affirm that the Testator was of sound mind and disposing memory and not acting under fraud, menace or undue influence of any person, and was more than eighteen (18) years of age; and that each of the attesting witnesses is more than eighteen (18) years of age.

[Signed by Ginger Alden]
Ginger Alden

[Signed by Charles F. Hodge]
Charles F. Hodge

[Signed by Ann Dewey Smith]
Ann Dewey Smith

Sworn To And Subscribed before me this 3 day of March, 1977.

Drayton Beecker Smith II Notary Public

My commission expires:

August 8, 1979

Admitted to probate and Ordered Recorded August 22, 1977

Joseph W. Evans, Judge

Recorded August 22, 1977
B.J. Dunavant, Clerk
By: Jan Scott, D.C.


Bjarne jo Fabian

05.11.2017 10:10

Jeg tror ikke på at han er død. Håber at verden får det at vide den dag han virkelig dør...

Michael Madsen

15.08.2017 05:14

Kære Elvis..i 40 år har du været i jorden gemt..Men i dine fans hjerter er du bestemt aldrig glemt

Michael Madsen

10.04.2014 16:33

Elvis døde d.16 august 1977..men musik og film lever stærkt vidre

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19.09 | 17:28


19.09 | 09:33

Det er skrapbøger og postkort. Hvis du sender din mailadresse kan jeg sende dig foto af materialet. Mvh Marianne

17.09 | 07:54

Skriv endelig nærmere. Er der en e-mail?

09.09 | 16:20

Jeg har en masse Elvis ting som jeg godt vil give til nogen - har det nogen interesse ?

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